There is a lot of information about the SDGs available on the Internet.
We have collected some useful resources and links for you to use according to your needs.
*This information will be updated as necessary.
SDGs in general
The original text of the 2030 Agenda, which describes the SDGs (Japanese)
[Source] United Nations Information Centre
[Source] United Nations Information Centre
Download SDGs 169 target icons (English)
Source: Global Goals 2030
[Source] Ministry of Foreign Affairs
[Source] United Nations Information Centre
Japanese Government Initiatives
[Source] Ministry of Foreign Affairs
[Source] Cabinet Office Regional Revitalization Promotion Office
Ministry of the Environment Local SDGs (Regional Circulatory and Coexistence Zone Creation Platform)
[Source] Ministry of the Environment
List of Local Indicators for Regional Revitalization SDGs [ Revised September 2022]
[Source] Cabinet Office Regional Revitalization Promotion Office
For Education
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs and Activities for Teachers and Facilitators
[Source] Save the Children
JICA Global Plaza: Materials for learning about SDGs
[Source] Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Introducing the SDGs to companies: "SDGs Corporate Action Guidelines (SDG Compass)"
[Source] GRI, UN Global Compact, WBCSD
"SDGs Utilization Guide" for the sustainable development of all companies
[Source] Ministry of the Environment
[Source] Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Introducing the SDGs to Business: "SDGs Essential for Business "
[Source] WBCSD
Navigating the SDGs (SDGs Business Guide)
[Source] PwC Japan Group
Toyama's SDGs
About Toyama Prefecture's SDGs (Toyama Prefecture website)
[Source] Toyama Prefecture
SDGs Future City TOYAMA (Special website)
[Source] Toyama City
[Source] Nanto City Ecovillage Promotion Division
Booklet "Starting SDGs in Toyama"
[Source] Environmental Citizen Platform Toyama (PEC Toyama)
Booklet "SDGs Namerikawa" (SDGs initiatives found in Namerikawa!)
[Source] Toyama Prefectural University, Namekawa City
Booklet: "I thought about how Toyama will be a more livable place in the future even if you are..."
[Source] Environmental Citizen Platform Toyama (PEC Toyama)